Over the last two or three years, my eyes have grown shortsighted, a result of prolonged exposure to computer radiation I guess. Mom and dad were worried about it, but I considered it no big deal. Besides, wearing a pair of glasses would make me look like kind of a nerd. It was when I had to strain my eyes to see what was written on the blackboard that I decided something must be done about it.
Dad accompanied me to a spectacles store just two blocks away from our home. It boasted of various types of glasses, the prices of which, however, were a little bit expensive, considering mom just losing her job due to the global economic crisis. I then turned to online shopping which is generally cheaper than bricks-and-mortar purchases.
A website (www.cheapprescriptionglasses.net) was mentioned several times when I went through a cheap eyeglasses blog and was highly recommended, so I went to the website and found glasses of as various types as in-retailer stores, only priced much lower. Because it was the first time I had tried to buy eyeglasses online, I read the instructions on the website very carefully and consulted the live support of the website from time to time, who received me warmly and answered every question of mine with great patience. Under the guidance of the website, I first had my eyes checked in a hospital and got all the data I needed. With bridge width, lens size, temple width, etc. listed on the webpage, I easily found the pair of glasses suitable to me. What was most amazing was that they have a visual fitting room where you can drag the frame to a model that assembles you most so that you will see whether the frame fits you before you buy it.
Everything went smoothly as I followed the instructions. I chose my pair of glasses and made my order. Then all I had to do was wait. Three days later, I received my first pair of prescription glasses perfectly the same as what it was like on the webpage.